mmmmmmmmmmmm CHROME!

Yeah, that sucks. Might as well just leave them off. You should be able to use plain old Windex.

that sucks man, what is legal for tint?

70% for cars, and for SUVs/ Trucks 70% front, anything sides and rear. ITS GAY, cars=no tint basically, Trucks=who cares if you cant see inside.

I hate the way that law is setup. It should be all or nothing.

The reason it was setup was so that if an officer walked up to the vehicle, he would be able to see into the vehicle and see if there were any weapons on the driver or passenger. But they allow any percentage of tints on the back windows. This is where the law is screwed up, because the person in the back seat could be carrying a gun or other sort of weapon and the officer would never see it coming.

Horrible law. Only reason I tinted my windows back then was for functionality.

Yea, I had 20 up front, 5 in rear. You can see in my car perfectly fine w/ the tint. Get this, he only saw the tint on my front windows b/c my school has them come into the parking lots and look for violations. I know this b/c he shure the hell didnt see the front windows till I got pulled over b/c I had em down. I guess it was nice that he told me 5 days or fine. I still dont see why SUVs and Trucks are exemt from this law in my area/(state).