Esslinger 4-2-1

Is the Esslinger 4-2-1 the same as the ZXTuner header? I never heard of this one. By the way its been a long time since I’ve visted any ZX2 site because of the new Mustang I have, or had I should say… I’m back driving the ZX2 due to… legal reasons… but I’m starting from scratch and throwing away pretty much almost everything I have on the car previously. Jayco will be happy to see me come by for a visit in the summer :wink: hopefully they will have everything I want available. Mainly the engine and suspension packages, looking into a roll cage and considering swapping to that 6-speed soon, but wondering if I can still use my current Unorthadox 6-puck clutch and Fidenza with it…I doubt it, but anyway, I’m going to stay off forums if anyone cared or wondered where I’ve been. Feel free to visit to stay in contact with me.

nice to hear from you. Your always welcome back. A few thing have changed some stayed the same. Just read up. Sorry to hear about your legal probs. Hope everything works out.

Anyway it’s good to hear from you it has been a while.